Restorative dentistry takes advantage of many new dental materials that can be used to re-build teeth that would otherwise have been lost. This includes bridges, veneers, implants and more… Read More


Invisalign® uses custom made clear aligners that are created to gradually move your teeth into the proper position. These aligners are made from smooth, comfortable and virtually invisible plastic that you wear over your teeth. Read More


Dental veneers are thin layers of porcelain or other materials that are cemented to the teeth. Although they do add strength in many cases they are predominately used to improve esthetics. Read More


Implants are specially designed devices that act as artificial “roots”. They are inserted into the bone and act as the foundation to restore the dentition. A single tooth can be replaced with one implant or the whole dentition can be fixed in place with multiple implants. Read More


Kensington Dental Clinic is also now providing nitrous oxide for their patients. Nitrous oxide can be a great way to make procedures much easier on patients who are a little more anxious. Read More


A tooth is made up of the root and the crown. A dental crown is a replacement of the natural crown, or visible part of your tooth. It provides strength and usually improves esthetics. Read More


Dental bridges replace one or more teeth that have been lost. They can be made from many different types of materials and are cemented on either side for a permanent fixed solution. Read More


When some or all of the teeth are missing the most economical solution is usually a partial or complete denture. There are many different types with differing costs and benefits. Read More


Unfortunately sometimes teeth are beyond repair and need to be extracted. The Kensington Dental Clinic insures proper anaesthesia – so that no pain is felt during the removal of a tooth. Read More


When teeth have died and start to cause pain or have become extremely sensitive, a root canal may be needed. Many root canals are completed in one appointment. Patients should feel no discomfort during this procedure. Read More


Many different intra oral appliances are offered by the Kensington Dental Clinic. Appliances may be needed for TMJ, grinding or sleep apnea. Read More


Although we offer many advanced services we are at heart a family practice. As a father himself, Dr MacLean understands that children are often nervous about seeing a dentist. He works to create an atmosphere that reassures his younger patients.


A good oral hygiene routine is essential to prevent tooth loss due to decay and gum disease. Oral hygiene should include brushing as well as flossing, at least twice a day, to remove food particles and bacteria that build up creating plaque. Read More

Dental Bridges

Dental bridges replace one or more teeth that have been lost. They can be made from many different types of materials and are cemented on for a permanent fixed solution.

A dental bridge is one option that can be used to replace one or more missing teeth. A bridge is a fixed prosthesis that is permanently cemented, usually to one tooth on either side of the space. Replacing these teeth is important not just for cosmetic reasons, but because the remaining teeth may drift into the space left by the missing tooth/teeth. In doing so they may rotate and move in a way that creates an imbalanced bite or an area of food impaction. This can result in TMJ or periodontal problems.

Creating and Fitting a Dental Bridge

To create a bridge, Dr. MacLean first closely studies the dentition. The tooth shape, size, color, position, strength, health, and bite are all evaluated as they greatly influence how the teeth will be involved in the bridge. After this careful evaluation the abutment teeth are reduced to the proper shape so that the “tooth” connections on each end of the bridge can fit over the newly prepared teeth. By doing this Dr. MacLean is creating the anchor points that will hold the bridge in place. At this point an impression is then taken and sent to a dental lab where the bridge will be fabricated in the exact color and material recommend by Dr. MacLean. A temporary bridge will be then be created while the permanent bridge is being made. This temporary bridge protects the abutment teeth, improves esthetics, and insures that the proper spacing is held. When the permanent bridge is returned from the lab it is carefully inspected by Dr. MacLean to make sure that the fit and esthetics are exact. If everything is correct the bridge is then cemented in place.

Dental Bridges – Longevity & Care

Dental bridges are usually supported by your real teeth. If these teeth are not carefully maintained, your bridge could develop decay underneath or periodontal problems could arise the anchor teeth which may ultimately lead to its failure. Good oral hygiene is important to avoid such a mishap. If properly cared for, dental bridges usually last for more than 15 years.

What is the Cost of a Dental Bridge

The cost of a dental bridge is highly variable. It depends on how many teeth are involved and the materials that are selected for its fabrication. To have an accurate estimate completed a consultation appointment with Dr. MacLean is required. At this appointment your different options will be carefully explained so that you can decide on what treatment is best for your needs

What is a Dental Crown?

A tooth is made up of the root and the crown. A dental crown is the replacement of the natural crown or visible part of the tooth, often required as a result of a root canal procedure.

A dental crown is a cap that partially or completely encapsulates the affected tooth. The dental crown creates a stronger tooth that can last more than 20 years. Getting a crown normally takes two appointments to complete. The first visit involves preparing the tooth, typically either grinding down or building it up, to get the right size and shape. Measurements are taken and a mold is sent to a dental lab. A temporary crown is then installed until the permanent crown returns from the lab.  On the second visit the crown is fit checked to ensure a perfect fit and is then cemented in place.

When are Dental Crowns required?

Dental crowns are required whenever the tooth has experienced procedures or traumas that substantially reduce the strength and viability of the tooth. This could be due to a previous root canal procedure or a very large filling. Both of these scenarios would require a crown to reinforce the tooth. Crowns can also be used to change the appearance of the dentition teeth by reshaping teeth, closing spaces, or correcting discolorations.

Dental Crowns – Longevity and Care

Dental crowns are cemented on to natural teeth. If these teeth are not carefully maintained your crown could develop decay underneath or periodontal problems could arise which may ultimately lead to its failure. Good oral hygiene is important to avoid such a mishap. If properly cared for, dental crowns usually last for more than 15 years.

What is the cost of a Dental Crown?

The cost of a dental crown varies according to what materials are selected for its fabrication. To have an accurate estimate completed a consultation appointment with Dr. MacLean is needed.

Partial dentures

When some or all of the teeth are missing the most economical solution is either a partial or complete denture. There are many different types of dentures available. Recommendations are made to best meet the individual’s needs.

When there are some viable remaining teeth a partial denture is recommended. These remaining teeth will attach to the partial denture helping it stay firmly in place. The first step in receiving a partial denture is a consultation with Dr. MacLean so that you can choose a type that fits your budget, dental needs and esthetic wishes. After this consultation an impression is taken and usually a custom tray is made that specifically fits your mouth. A second appointment is then required where the teeth are prepared for the partial denture, a second more accurate impression is taken, and a wax rim is adjusted to fit your specific bite. At this time tooth shape, size, and colour will be discussed so that we can deliver a partial with your desired esthetics. A third appointment is scheduled where the fit of the partial denture and the esthetics are checked. Changes can be made at this stage as the teeth are set in wax. If everything looks good the partial denture is sent back to the lab for final processing and is delivered at the next appointment.

*This is a typical schedule for the fabrication of a partial denture, however more simple cases may require only one impression and appointment before the final delivery.

Complete dentures

When all the teeth are missing the most economical option is a complete denture. For the fabrication of a complete denture an impression is taken and custom tray is made that specifically fits your mouth. A second appointment is required where a more accurate impression is taken and a wax rim is adjusted to fit your specific bite. At this time tooth shape, size, and color will be discussed so that we can deliver a complete denture with your desired esthetics appearance. A third appointment is scheduled where the fit of the complete denture and the esthetics are checked. Changes can be made at this stage as the teeth are set in wax. If everything looks perfect the complete denture is sent back to the lab for its final processing and is delivered at the next and final appointment.

*Immediate complete and partial dentures are are an option when the patient does not wish to go without a denture once extractions have been completed. In these situations the denture is delivered on the same day as the extractions.


Unfortunately sometimes teeth are beyond repair and need to be extracted. The Kensington Dental Clinic insures proper anesthesia so that no pain is normally felt on the removal of the tooth.

Extracting a tooth maybe required when there is gross decay, pain, or if a tooth is eptopic. The most important aspect of this procedure is proper anesthesia. The Kensington Dental Clinic has many types of anesthetic available to insure that you are properly “frozen”.

In all cases a medical history is completed at the appointment. Questions are asked to ensure that it is safe to proceed with the extraction. The teeth, gums, and bone are then anesthetized to insure that the tooth can be extracted pain free. Sutures or gauze packing maybe placed and post-operative instructions are given. A phone call is made within 24 hours to insure that the patient is getting along okay.

Oral Hygiene

A good, twice daily, oral hygiene routine is essential to prevent tooth loss due to decay and gum disease. Oral hygiene should include brushing as well as flossing to remove food particles and bacteria that build up as plaque.

A good, twice daily, oral hygiene routine is essential to prevent tooth loss due to decay and gum disease. Oral hygiene should include brushing and flossing to remove food particles and bacteria that build up as plaque. A proper and balanced diet is also very important to your oral hygiene.


Brushing is the first line of defense against cavities and gum disease. You should brush at least twice a day and if possible after meals. After eating sugars and carbohydrates your mouth is susceptible to the acids that are produced by bacteria. These acids can leave your teeth vulnerable to tooth decay. You should brush your teeth with a soft bristle brush, brushing in a back and forth action while holding the brush at a 45 degree angle to your teeth and gums. It is recommended to brush for at least 2 minutes. Longer brushing times are more effective than brushing harder and will do less damage to gums. You can also gently brush your tongue to remove bacteria that can cause bad breath.


It is recommended that you floss at least once per day. Flossing helps remove bacteria, plaque, and food particles from between teeth. A fresh piece of floss is threaded between teeth and gently rubbed up and down including up under the gum line. Curve the floss around the teeth, gently moving the floss to one side and then the other.


You can use anti-bacterial mouthwashes to aid in reducing bacteria to prevent the early stages of gum disease. Mouthwashes with fluoride help to strengthen teeth.

Professional Cleaning

It is advised to have your teeth professionally cleaned by your hygienist at least once a year. Depending upon your periodontal health more frequent visits may be recommended.

What are Implants?

Up until relatively recently if you lost teeth due to gum disease, trauma or decay you were faced with only the choice of bridges, or dentures. A relatively new way to restore missing dentition is with dental implants.

A dental implant is a special post, usually made from titanium, that is carefully inserted into the bone of the jaw. Dental implants can be used in conjunction with crowns to restore a single missing tooth, or with a dental bridge or denture for multiple missing teeth.

Implant Placement Process

Implants are recommended for anyone with tooth loss who is in good health to undergo most other dental procedures. The first step towards getting an implant is a consultation at the Kensington Dental Clinic. If the decision is made to proceed with a dental implant a referral is made to a qualified specialist, usually an oral surgeon. At the second consultation with the dental specialist x-rays will most likely be taken that allow them to evaluate the bone quality and quantity, and the position of the surrounding teeth and nerves. After this consultation a treatment plan is made between Dr. MacLean and the specialist. The treatment then involves the specialist placing the implant in the bone and Dr. MacLean restoring it after successful osteo-integration. Successfully restored implants can replace single missing teeth, support bridges for multiple missing teeth, or clip onto dentures making them much more stable.

Dental Implants – Longevity & Care

Although dental implants are inert and cannot decay like teeth they are subject to the stability of the bone surrounding them. Improper care and infections can cause the loss of implants however this is not a common occurrence. No exact longevity can be given but most dentists agree that if proper placed, and maintained are the longest lasting of any dental restoration.

What is the cost of a Dental Implant?

The cost of a dental implant is highly variable. It mainly depends upon how it is restored and what materials are selected for its fabrication. To have an accurate estimate completed a consultation appointment with Dr. MacLean is needed. At this point your different options can be provided and carefully explained so that you can decide what treatment is best for your needs.


Invisalign® takes a modern approach to straightening teeth using a custom-made series of virtually invisible aligners created for you and only you.

Invisalign® takes a modern approach to straightening teeth using a custom-made series of aligners created for you and only you. These aligner trays are made of smooth, comfortable, and virtually invisible plastic that you wear over your teeth. Wearing the aligners will gradually and gently shift your teeth into place, based on the exact movements Dr.MacLean has planned out for you. There are no metal brackets to attach to your teeth and no wires to tighten. You just pop in a new set of aligners approximately every ten days, until your treatment is complete. You will achieve a great smile with little interference in your daily life. The best part about the whole process is that most people won’t even know you’re straightening your teeth.

Treatment times and costs vary depending on the complexity of the case. Some treatment times are as little as three months while others could last up to three years. Due to the advancements in orthodontic techniques most cases are completed within 18 months. No matter which way the orthodontic treatment is completed, traditional/clear braces, or Invisalign®, it is very important that a retainer is worn once treatment has been completed. Without the retainer the dentition will revert back towards their original state.

Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous oxide, better known as laughing gas, is now being provided by the Kensington Dental Clinic.

Nitrous oxide, better known as laughing gas, is now being provided by the Kensington Dental Clinic. Nitrous oxide is very safe way to provide conscious sedation.  Concentration levels can be closely monitored and after effects are usually gone two minutes after the mask is removed. It is a great way to make procedures much easier on patients who are a little more anxious.

What is Restorative Dentistry?

Restorative Dentistry encompasses a group of dental services designed to help you preserve and maintain your smile as well as your dental health.

What is Restorative Dentistry? Restorative dentistry takes advantage of many new dental materials that can be used to re-build teeth that would otherwise have been lost.  Bridges, crowns, veneers and implants can all be said to be restorative dentistry as they enhance the strength, function and esthetics of the dentition. Follow these links for more information on bridges, crowns, implants, and veneers.

What is a Root Canal?

When teeth have died, or have become so sensitive that they start to cause pain, a root canal may be required. Many root canals are completed in one appointment and patients normally should feel no discomfort during the procedure.

A root canal is a great option for saving a tooth as long as it is still in good enough shape to have a restoration placed. If a tooth has died and become infected, causing severe pain, or has become extremely hypersensitive a root canal is usually recommended. A common misconception is that receiving a root canal is terribly painful. This is incorrect. A root canal appointment is very similar to a regular appointment for a filling with the exception that the appointment is generally lengthier. The first step in root canal therapy involves shaping the tooth so that an access opening can be made to the pulp chamber. At this stage special instruments and files are used which clean and shape the canals. The nerve, any necrotic tissue, and bacteria are removed and the canal is sterilized. At this point the canal is obturated or filled with a rubber like substance called gutta percha. The root canal is now complete and the tooth receives the appropriate restoration.

*Teeth are generally weaker after receiving root canal therapy and are prone to fractures. It is generally recommended that a root canaled tooth receives a crown.

Many different intra oral appliances are offered by the Kensington dental clinic. Appliances may be needed for TMD, grinding or sleep apnea.

Sleep apnea

For patients that have sleep apnea an intra-oral appliance is a great option. In most cases of mild to moderate sleep apnea an intra-oral appliance works as well as a CPAP machine. Many patients say that the intra-oral device is more comfortable and less obtrusive than the CPAP machine. Intra-oral sleep apnea appliances work by advancing the mandible, so that the patient’s airway is less obstructed,. This creates increased airflow and P02 levels. The appliance is adjustable through special screws that allow the protrusion of the mandible for proper comfort and function.

Grinding Appliances

For patients that grind or clench their teeth a bite plane is highly recommended. Grinding or clenching your teeth can result in many unwanted dental issues such as enamel wear, chipped or fractured teeth, gingival recession (gum loss), and increases in temperature sensitivity. Other symptoms of grinding or clenching can be headaches, neck pain or TMD.

What are Dental Veneers?

Crooked or misaligned teeth can be corrected quickly and easily in most cases with veneers

Dental veneers are thin layers of porcelain or other composite materials that are attached permanently to the front of the teeth. Although they do add strength, in many cases, they are predominately used to improve esthetics. Different shapes, colors, and positions are usually selected which can greatly enhance ones appearance. This allows Dr. Maclean to close spaces, move tooth positions, and change tooth shades which can greatly improve a smile.

Creating and Fitting Dental Veneers

Veneers are a great option for individuals that are unhappy with their smile and want an immediate fix. Dentitions that involve minor rotations or positional issues, misshapen teeth, premature wear, or have discolorations can usually be fixed with veneers. To create a set of veneers, Dr. MacLean first closely studies the dentition. Tooth shape, size, color, position, strength, health, and bite are all closely evaluated as they greatly influence which teeth will be used and how they will be prepared for the veneers. The teeth are then prepared like a crown, but much more conservatively, until the desired shape is obtained. With porcelain veneers impressions are then taken, either with dental impression material or digitally, and are sent off to a lab with very specific instructions for shape, position, and color. Temporary veneers are then be created while the permanent veneers are being made by the lab. This protects the prepared teeth, holds the teeth in the proper positions, and allows the patient to visualize the finished product. When the veneers are completed by the lab they are carefully inspected by Dr. MacLean to make sure that the fit and esthetics are exact. If everything is perfect then the veneers are cemented in place. Composite veneers are prepared in much the same manner. However instead of taking an impression and sending it to a lab Dr. MacLean makes the veneers chair side.

Dental Veneers – Longevity and Care

Dental veneers are cemented on to natural teeth. If these teeth are not carefully maintained your veneer could develop decay underneath or periodontal problems could arise which may ultimately lead to its failure. Good oral hygiene is important to avoid such a mishap. If properly cared for, dental veneers usually last for more than 15 years.

What is the cost of Dental Veneers?

The cost of a dental veneer varies according to what materials are selected for its fabrication. To have an accurate estimate completed a consultation appointment with Dr. MacLean is needed. At this point your different options can be provided and carefully explained so that you can decide what treatment is best for your needs.